Para conhecimento da comunidade internacional, alertamos que um helicóptero especulador imobiliário, acaba de rastrear Luanda em voo rasante, na busca de locais para destruir residências e depois construírem prédios, torres e condomínios das quadrilhas imobiliárias internacionais.
Gil Gonçalves
Breaking NEWS ANGOLA. Helicopter
For the international community's knowledge, we alerted that a helicopter real estate speculator, has just tracked Luanda in low flight, in the search of places to destroy residences and later they build buildings, towers and condominiums of the international real estate gangs.
Gil Gonçalves
Gil Gonçalves
Breaking NEWS ANGOLA. Helicopter
For the international community's knowledge, we alerted that a helicopter real estate speculator, has just tracked Luanda in low flight, in the search of places to destroy residences and later they build buildings, towers and condominiums of the international real estate gangs.
Gil Gonçalves
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